Louvre Museum


Louvre Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi




Experiential design, hardware development and integration, game development, UI design, sound design.

Project description

Our task was to design and develop 3 interactive activations at the Louvre Abu Dhabi Children's Museum. The museum is one of the first cultural art exhibitions aimed mainly at the younger generation. The biggest challenge was to develop concepts that were consistent with the design and message of the exhibition. In collaboration with the Louvre team, we developed some tailor-made actions that are at the same time educational and entertaining for the respective target group.

Our solution

RAINBOW The central and visually most important part of the exhibition. It is a multi-level interactive projection where visitors can step on certain trigger points to activate "emotions" based on the original concept of the exhibition. These emotions reflect joy, sadness, anger and fear in their respective colours. Once the emotion is activated, the corresponding particles begin to fly on the 6-metre-high rainbow of emotions, accompanied by sound effects played through some surface speakers.
MUSICAL EXPERIENCE An audiovisual musical experience where visitors can immerse themselves in the world of sounds and become composers themselves. The installation aims to help explore feelings through sounds, which are an essential part of our lives. The main stand consisted of 4+1 physical vinyl discs with integrated RFID chips that, when placed on the turntable, activate the corresponding emotions UI. Once the selected emotion is activated, the visitor can explore many sounds, sound effects and pieces of music related to that emotion. The room is equipped with a state-of-the-art sound system as well as an interactive projection that displays similarly generated visual content on the wall.
WORRY EATER From an early age, all human beings have one thing in common: worry. The aim of this interactive installation is to stop visitors for a moment and let them think about the things that cause them worry. To help them process these crucial feelings, we have created a "literal" worry monster. Once the worries are written on a piece of paper and thrown into the belly of the monster, it activates an industrial object recognition system and plays a sound effect that shows the worries being eaten and taken away. The technology behind it is able to detect objects as small as 2 mm at a sampling rate of 1000 times per second!